Advanced Academic Programs


The Spring AAP newsletters are now available in different languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, Vietnamese, Urdu, Chinese, Korean.

FCPS offers a continuum of services for elementary students to meet their current academic needs. The continuum of services supports the two main goals of the Advanced Academic Programs Office:

  • Talent Development
  • Meeting the Needs of the Advanced Learner

Access to Rigor: Grades K-6 – All students receive talent development lessons with critical and creative thinking strategies and AAP curriculum lessons.

Subject-Specific Services: Grades K-6 – Identified students receive AAP curriculum lessons in the general education setting in areas of academic strength.

Part-Time Services: Grades 3-6 – Identified students receive AAP curriculum lessons in more than one academic content area. The Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) leads these lessons. Programming has increased depth and complexity in several content areas.

Full-Time Services: Grades 3-8 – Identified students receive AAP curriculum lessons full-time. Programming has increased depth, complexity, and pace in all academic content areas.


Our Advanced Academics Resource Teacher (AART)

For any questions about the Advanced Academics Program (AAP) program at Mantua, please contact our Advanced Academics Resource Teacher.

Kathy Van Dyke
[email protected]


AAP Staff