Advanced Academic Programs

Information about School-Based AAP Services

(Part-Time AAP Services and Subject-Specific Advanced Differentiation)

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is committed to challenging all students through talent development and differentiated instruction to meet the needs of advanced learners.

Subject Specific and Part-Time Services in Elementary School 

FCPS offers a continuum of advanced academic services for all students in Grades K-12. The continuum of services approach allows for a focus on matching services to students’ needs rather than labeling students. Students have: 

• Multiple entry points for deeper learning opportunities in specific areas of need as they develop. 

• A cluster group of students with similar academic needs to support student learning and growth. 

Teachers, administrators, and Advanced Academic Resource Teachers (AARTs) work together to provide the following levels of school-based services at the elementary level: 

Access to Rigor, Grades K-6 (Level I) 

All students have opportunities to think critically, reason, and problem-solve. 

• All teachers use critical and creative thinking strategies in their lessons 

• Classroom teachers provide opportunities using materials from the AAP Curriculum Framework a minimum of once per quarter. 

Because Access to Rigor services are for all FCPS students, there is not a screening process. 

Subject Specific Advanced Differentiation, Grades K-6 (Level II) 

Some students require differentiation beyond the needs of age-level peers in their class in at least one specific subject area. Classroom teachers may adjust instruction for students in these areas by: 

• Providing different assignments and resources in those subjects, 

• Grouping students by their strengths, interests, and readiness, and 

• Providing additional challenges using materials from the AAP Curriculum Framework. 

Student needs for subject specific differentiation are re-evaluated each year at the local school. 

Part-Time Advanced Academic Programs, Grades 3-6 (Level III) 

Some students have advanced academic abilities in multiple subject areas and require differentiation beyond the needs of age-level peers in their class in multiple content areas. 

• Students work with other students that have similar academic needs through weekly pull-out classes or weekly co-taught lessons with the AART and classroom teacher. 

• Teachers provide frequent opportunities to use materials from the AAP Curriculum Framework in Language Arts, science, social studies, and/or mathematics. 

Part-time services continue through Grade 6. Students do not need to be evaluated each year.

Screening for Subject Specific (Level II) and Part-Time (Level III) Services 

Students can be screened for subject specific and part time AAP services at any time in the school year. In the spring, schools review data on all students to determine services for the start of the next school year. 

• Parents or guardians can initiate the screening process by submitting the AAP School-Based Services (Level II-III) Referral Form to the Mantua Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART), Kathy Van Dyke (@email)  by April 15, annually.

• The AAP School-Based Services (Level II-III) Referral Form may be found at by searching “AAP Forms” at

• Parents or guardians who submit a referral will be notified by the local elementary school of their student’s eligibility status by early June. 

Spring 2024 AAP Newletter (translations available)
The Spring 2024 Newsletter is now available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Urdu, Vietnamese and Spanish.  

Accessing Advanced Academic Program Services

Please see information from the AAP Office regarding information, timelines, and resources for advanced academic services.

Young Scholars

Mantua participates in the Young Scholars Model as a way of nurturing students with high-academic ability who may face additional barriers to access to or success in AAP Programs

Our Advanced Academics Resource Teacher (AART)

For any questions about the Advanced Academics Program (AAP) program at Mantua, please contact our Advanced Academics Resource Teacher.

Kathy Van Dyke
[email protected]


AAP Staff