General Music
Basis of the music curriculum
In Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), music is an essential discipline necessary for the education of every child. Music specialists in all FCPS schools utilize the FCPS Music Program of Studies (POS) which provides the scope and sequence for music instruction. For each discipline and level in the music curriculum, specific standards are identified, and divided into four strands: Perform, Create, Investigate, and Connect.
Perform, the first strand, is the participative component of the standards. This strand describes the involvement of each student in demonstrating mastery of music concepts at levels of increasing difficulty.
Create, the second strand, is the process whereby the students learn to use the notational tools of music to express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings through original composition.
Investigate, the third strand, involves the students in the study and practice of music theory through music reading, notation, and sight-reading.
Connect, the fourth strand, involves the development of an understanding and awareness of the commonality between music and other disciplines.
Therefore, at Mantua Elementary School, children learn not only to appreciate music, but also to express themselves through it, while making connections between classroom studies, life experiences, relationships, and emotions.
General Music Teachers
- Music Teacher, ES